One World Week 10-15 March

There are a lot of language/communication events as part of Sussex's first One World Week (click on the link for the full programme).

 In particular, we'd like to point out:

Throughout the week
FREE Language Taster Sessions -
The Sussex Centre for Language Studies are hosting free taster sessions in Arabic, British Sign Language, Chinese, Esperanto, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish. Sessions are between 1 and 1.5 hours  (See the website for more details.)
Tuesday 11th March
Sign Language World
A series of activities to celebrate and promote Deaf Culture. Click on each event for more information.
2-3pm Fingerspelling Competition, Fulton 202
3-4pm Lecture on Language Genesis, Fulton 202
4-8pm Deaf Film Extravaganza, Silverstone 317

When polite words are rude: Intercultural communication between the UK and US
In this video and talk Lynne Murphy explores the differing assumptions about politeness and communication that create problems in intercultural interactions.
5-6pm Jubilee G30

Wednesday 12th March
Intercultural Awareness Workshop
A workshop based on discussion and interaction with peers. Participants are encouraged to reflect on aspects of culture and cultural identities which may reflect intercultural relationships. This is run by  Jules Winchester and Yolanda Cerda, of the Sussex Centre for Language Studies.
12-2pm, Jubilee G30

Broadcasting in a Foreign Language - 'Call My Bluff'

A live international telecollaboration between students of Spanish at Sussex and students of English at Universidad de León in Spain. 'Call My Bluff' is a game show with audience participation, teams take it in turns to provide definitions of obscure words, of which only one is correct - which definition is the correct one!?
2-4pm, Jubilee 144

The One World Week Language Cafe 
Click here to book for this event! A multi-language games evening, this event gives the opportunity for all students to practise in tandem one of the languages taught or represented in the campus community.
6.45pm, Mandela Hall

Thursday 13th March
Broadening Your Horizons

A chance to learn about volunteering, overseas opportunities and studying abroad. Representatives from our partner universities in Europe will be at this event for more information about spending a term or year abroad.
Drop in 1-5pm, Jubilee G30

