Call for papers: 9th Workshop on Written Language & Literacy

 9th Workshop on Written Language and Literacy
Short Title: AWLL9

Date: 04-Sep-2014 - 05-Sep-2014
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom
Contact Person: Lynne Cahill
Web Site:

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Computational Linguistics; General Linguistics; Lexicography; Writing Systems

Call Deadline: 11-Apr-2014

Meeting Description:

Orthographic Databases and Lexicons
Ninth International Workshop on Writing Systems and Literacy
Brighton, UK, September 4th-5th 2014
University of Sussex

This workshop is the ninth in a series of international meetings devoted to the issue of writing systems. The writing systems workshops have offered a forum for discussion between researchers from a range of different countries and linguistic backgrounds, working in a variety of fields of writing research such as theoretical linguistics, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics and language education.

Earlier themes included ‘What Spelling Changes’ (1997), ‘Writing Language’ (2000), ‘From Letter to Sound’ (2002), ‘Mapping graphemes onto phonemes’ (2004), ‘Constraints on Spelling Changes’ (2006), ‘Typology of Writing Systems’ (2008), ‘Units of Language - Units of Writing’ (2010) and ‘The Architecture of Writing Systems’ (2012). Previous meetings were held in Nijmegen (The Netherlands), Cologne (Germany), Antwerp (Belgium) and Braunschweig (Germany). This ninth workshop will take place in Brighton (UK).

Invited Speakers:

Viorica Marian (Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Northwestern University); Boris New (Laboratoire de Psychologie et Neurocognition, Université de Savoire).

Program Committee:

Lynne Cahill (School of English, University of Sussex), Anneke Neijt (Dutch Department, University of Nijmegen), Beatrice Primus (German Department, University of Cologne), Terry Joyce (Tama University, Tokyo).


Researchers who would like to attend the workshop without presenting a paper are also welcome. Registration details will be available nearer the date of the workshop. The workshop program and the abstracts of the accepted papers, along with travel and accommodation information will be circulated electronically well before the workshop.

2nd Call for Papers:

The focus of this 9th workshop is the use of databases and lexicons. Especially welcome are contributions on the following questions:

- What kind of orthographic information is available in databases?
- In what ways can mono- and crosslingual information be incorporated?
- To what extent can rule-based information be employed in lexicons and/or databases?
- How can the relationship between orthography and phonology be represented in databases/lexicons?
- What practical purposes (e.g. computational, pedagogic, lexicographic) can be served by databases/lexicons?

Important Dates:

First call for proposals: October 2013
Second call for proposals: March 2014
Submission deadline: April 11, 2014
Notification of acceptance: May 9, 2014
Workshop: 4 - 5 September 2014

Submission Guidelines:

Authors should submit abstracts of no more than 300 words (Font: Times New Roman 12, line spacing: 1.5). Speakers will have 30 minutes for their presentation, and 15 minutes for discussion and questions. Please submit abstracts electronically (rtf, pdf, doc, docx).



Association Website:
