Research Update: Roberta Piazza

As we get ready for the new term starting in September, this is the second in a series of research news from your lecturers. If you’ve wondered what we get up to when we’re not with you, this is it… 

Roberta Piazza

In 20172018 I was involved in a community-engagement project to promote social cohesion in an urban context. The project revolves around the two marginal communities of rough sleepers and Irish Travellers with whom my colleague Philip Morgan and I have been working for a number of years. On 30 June,  following a similar event at Brighton & Hove Travellers’ encampment exactly a year before, we organised a workshop at First Base, a day centre for the Homeless in Brighton, that included talks by experts, case workers, politicians, academics, medics and First Base clients. The goals of the event were to sensitise the general public to these two communities’ needs and offer an opportunity to the local authorities, especially the Council people, to reflect on and possibly change their policy towards them. The day workshop was divided into a morning dedicated to the Travellers and the afternoon for the Homeless.

We also had an exhibition at First Base and later at Brighton Dome on artistic books produced by a community of rough sleepers in Manchester.  
Philip and I edited two books for the general public based on our interviews with the Irish Travellers and the Homeless: Irish Travellers: The Unknown Residents of Horsdean and Housed and Unhoused: Two Worlds. These books were available for free on the day of the event and later at the Dome.

We are now working on the next interdisciplinary event at the Fabrica Gallery in Brighton next March on the ethics of working with marginality.

I continued my academic work on Travellers by focussing on the (mis)representation of this community in the media. I published the paper Ideology in the Multimodal Discourse of Television Documentaries on Irish Travellers’and Gypsies’ Communities in the UK in the journal CADAAD Journal: Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines. By comparing different TV documentaries, I illustrated how the choice of images and language expresses the filmmaker’s stance.

My interest in the multimodal expression of ideology in the media was also reflected in a joint paper with my journalist colleague Paul Lashmar on Jeremy Corbyn according to the BBC: Ideological representation and identity construction of the Labour Party leader. This appeared in the special issue of the CADAAD Journal on the topic of multidisciplinary approaches to discourse that Charlotte Taylor and I co-edited, following a very successful international event at Sussex, the first of a series!

While all this has been going on, I've been busy with projects on identity and narrative in the Zanzibar diaspora and on identity in liminal spaces. Watch this space for forthcoming publications in those areas.
